It’s time to get the bodies finished so I can allow the finish to cure while I finish the necks. Once the bodies are sanded, the pores in the the wood need to filled, then it’s time to get out the wood dye. This acacia body is getting a classic burst (which will look amazing over the curly wood).
Final sanding of the body. You have to find and fix any problems at this point.
When final-sanded, this acacia almost has a waxy finish to the surface already
Applying the shellac seal coat gives you the first look at how awesome the wood really is!
Once the body is sanded, it’s sealed with shellac before the pore filler is applied.
I made a sample board of the dye colorants I expected to use in this burst.
The figure pops under the first body color, which is used to raise the grain as well as form the center of the burst.
The direct-to-wood dye has been applied, and another shellac seal coat is applied. Wow!